I only had one serious accident, and that was back in 1971. I was on my way back to college after a weekend at home. A woman made a left turn in front of me (in your country it would be a right turn--across the oncoming lanes). She didn't see me. I hit the rear quarter panel of her car and flew over the car like Superman. I landed on my face. Broke three teeth, and a small bone in my foot. I got caps, walked with a cane for a few weeks. (I was going about 35 mph). At my parents insistence I gave up riding, but a few years later I bought another bike, then a bigger one, then an even bigger one. In 30 years I haven't had another serious accident.
The accident taught me to be paranoid of 'cagers'. They very often don't see me, so it's MY job to stay out of THEIR way. Once I learned this lesson I've been safe (knock wood). Riding on the highway, I will often see a driver look into the next lane, look RIGHT AT ME, then pull into my lane. He was looking for a car and a motorcycle didn't register on his brain. Motorcyclists are more aware of what's going on around them than car drivers.
My (2) motorcycles are my primary transportation these days. I do about 10,000-15,000 miles a year on them. (Luckily I live in California where I can ride all year, and where it rains only seldom).
I have had a few small 'spills', the last one being about a year ago. I was on a mountain road, a Sunday ride. A sportbike came up behind me and I pulled over to let him by. I pulled onto a little patch of grass,and when my wheels hit the grass they lost traction and the brakes locked up. I did a 'highside' at about 10 mph, and it threw me about 4 or 5 feet. Neither I nor the bike was hurt, but i was sore for a day or two. You'd think the sportibke guy would stop to see if I was okay but no, he just sped on.