There should be no legal issues.
Make sure your ride is in good repair.
Studded tires will make all the difference to many people.
I rode mine all last winter in New Hampshire.
Lots of funny looks, no issues with the police other than conversations.
This winter I was pulled over once by the new cop in town.
We had sleet, snow and ice on the roads that night.
The best he could come up with was mumbling about being able to maintain a minimum speed. There are no minimum speed limits in this state other than on the Interstate. Furthermore, all drivers are required to reduce speed when road conditions are bad. Traffic (all 3 cars) was moving at 15-20 mph. I had no problems, did not slip once. Yet this officer, with his studded snows, could not keep from losing traction.
With only 2 blocks to go, you shouldn't have many encounters.
My trip is about 8 miles.