i suggest: msf course first, get a cruiser not a crotch rocket, and practice the art of the emergency stop over and over until u get it right.......and that is, being able to stop at the normal speed u would be typically riding at in a hurry without locking up either brake. looks easy till u do it. ur life depends on this skill; u wont get a 2nd chance if a cager left turns u.
if u want the cheapest insurance, stay away from the rockets at least until ur over 25. insurance will kill u financially on rockets of any size. agents wont care if it's a 'lowly 250 that has a leaf blower for an engine'. once the agent pulls up a pic of the bike u plan to get, if its a rocket, they will crucify u royally.
remember this mantra: he who has the most sheet metal wins. dont even think about 'enforcing' ur right of way against a cage. u will lose. also remember that if u cant see the cage, he cant see u....and yanno, i almost slammed into a cager that decided to follow another cager doin a left turn the other day, and i never saw the 2nd one till i was right on top of him.....wait till u experience the pucker factor in a situation like that.
buy used...not new if u want to be easy on the bank account. new bikes are hard on ya in the interest rate dept, and if ya drop it in the parking lot, no biggie..just a scratch.