I don't think I can say it better than John. But I'll add my perspective.
It's the attitude of people like you who bring out the slams.
You are like my neighbor and his friends. They belong to this club and all have black and white RCA televisions, most of these guys are over 45 and it is their first TV ever, they don't even know how to fine tune them.... all chrome plated, rabbit ear antennas and huge 20" screens(ha ha) , reproductions of the original, vaccuum tubes and all, and they cost twice as much as the best HDTV. They all dress up in coon skin caps and fringed buckskin assless chaps and think they are badass for dressing like Daniel Boone's gay brother. They have added huge mono speakers to their TV's and set them up in their driveway and watch reruns of 'The Honeymooners' with fat dumpy tattooed chicks in tube tops, the sound way up so I can hear it loud and clear inside my own house half a block away. When I complain about the noise they say I'm jealous of their superior TV's because I only have a 40" sony HDTV with cable and theater surround sound and it is plastic jap crap, not capable of the sweet sound and awesome viewing experience of their B&W mono RCA's.
So the bottom line is that if someone wants to watch the Super Bowl in his house or on the back porch on his antique RCA with the sound at a reasonable level, more power to him, there are plenty of guys watching stuff on their B&W Zeniths, Sylvanias, no attitude, never a problem, cool guys enjoying their thing. But for some reason the attitude always comes from the RCA guys. If some guy wants to be a dweeb and cop this stupid attitude because he has a B&W RCA with a loud speaker, make silly claims of superiority, be obnoxious to his neighbors. Then there is a good chance that I'm gonna call him and his friends a bunch of posing retards, and bring up picture quality, color, reception and HBO any chance I get. But with sincere apologies to the cool old dudes who are still watching their original B&W RCA's and don't bother anyone or go around copping an attitude.