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2009-08-18 11:35:29 UTC
Bike: 78 cb550k sohc 4 stroke/4 cylinder with 36k miles. its recent changes: Carbs cleaned and synched, valves adjusted, OEM rectifier, stock rust free gas tank, fuel filter, newly rewound stator, new yuasa battery.
1. My throttle seems to get stuck, or is forced to be constantly turned about a quarter of an inch in rotation counterclockwise from the right profile of the handlebars. I am usually have to twist the throttle a quarter inch clockwise when I come to a complete stop to reduce the rpms from 3000 to 1000 while idling. Having thought it may be a valve getting stuck ive tried revving the engine holding the clutch to see if the throttle goes all the way back on its own, but it doesn't. Do I need to tighten the throttle cable to pull the throttle all the way back to the expected/standard stationary position?
2. Im rarely able to get the bike into neutral when the bike is running. It slips past neutral, always going into first or second gear, until i kill the engine and it goes to neutral easily(kill switch or key while holding clutch in when i turn it off).
The clutch also slips often when riding, especially from first to second gear. The clutch usually doesnt grab first gear until its almost completely extended as well, which makes it frustratingly easy to release the clutch too far. The bike also jumps forward abruptly if the friction zone isnt handled gently when going into first from a stop. How can i adjust the friction zone? Ive been told it could be my clutch cable, or someone has said most likely the gear itself that has been worn down/dulled.
3. Squeaking coming from the front fork, which i can see the seals are leaking and have been leaking. The fork now squeaks over bumps and whatnot. Is there an easy way to supply more fuel? I dont have the tools to fix the fork seals. Id like to avoid paying a mechanic because ive heard it is possible to do yourself.
4. Final issue that worries me the most is that the engine becomes louder in any gear above 4000 rpms in a way that sounds similar to rattling or clanking. It usually only happens after ive been riding for an hour or so - sometimes continuing to make the sound even in lower rpms, just not as loud. But it is a distinct sound that occurs only after an 30 min to an hour of riding. I do live in arizona, where it is over 100 degrees during the day. The sound is less common at night.
What baffles me is that when I have taken the bike to a mechanic they tell me the bike has a great strong engine.