a tool kit for a motorcycle. you can usally find them at motorcycle stores. just make sure its not a very cheap one. est $100-200
motor cycle memorbila, like clocks and whatnot. est $20-100 per item
A good luck riding charm neckchain, you wish apon it good luck increase for not crashing or getting killed whole riding the bike. so the person wearing it and the passangers is less likely to crash and whatnot. its best for a neck chain. with a light weight, flat, and non jabbing pendant or amulet or whatever. remember that pendant hast to go under a cycle suit. est $50-200
a video camera that he can attach to his bike. unknown pricing
a 50cc pocket bike. they are a third to half the size of your bf's bike. these can be great cause u can stick em up on a viewing shelf (prefibly not in the house), and they actally drive. he or you can paint it. uknow those ordament model cars that wheels turn for steering, well this is a fully working model that is kind of ride able. est $100 online $200 + elsewhere. go new. used usally go for the same price and they are usally not working that well.
I recomend to get a manual transmission. the automatic are the cheapest though.
also for the fact that it can give you an idea on how to ride a motorbike without crashing, if he won't let you ride his due to the fact you may be to inexperienced. but you want to try and learn to ride if you don't know how to allready.
and the cheaper bikes usally ship in peices, so it'l give him a little winter project building. and its not to much work, the motor is pre assembled, all he hast to do is put the wheels and motor setup on, and a light frame assembly and off he can go. a month top assembly time if he is being lazy about it.
a remote controll motorcycle. make sure to get an extra battery and charger. $50-200
if he plays video games get him a bike racing game. you can at least get him a computer version. $50-100
dvd or blue ray movies like worlds worst motor cycle crashes or the history of motor cycles. $20-60