Hi Jimi,,,
I know how cars' steering wheels are in the UK,,
But on the Bikes,,which side do Y'all put the handlebars on?
We Yanks can't see any data on XT125's.
But the TTR 125 version uses same carb and hose set-up.
Here is a TTR 125 '05 Factory Service Manual You can download.
It's from Yamaha Australia
If that link doesn't work,,,
Go Here:
>Enter model name (__125_)
>Select model year(__2005__)
Then Download the TTR125 Manual.
It's Fairly Big,and slow.
I suggest Saving it on your PC in "My Documents"
When you finally get it downloaded and Opened,,,
Grab the Scroll Slider on the side of the PDF Thingie,,
Pull it Down while watching Page Counter at bottom center of page.
CARB starts in Section 4~3,,
which is page 264 .
Just Quicker and easier to drag the scroll slider directly to that page.
Look at page 480 for some clues about Which hose goes where AT The CARB
Look at page 154 for overall Hose Routing
I Suspect Fuel lines may be crossed with Vent lines .
If Fuel is coming out of Fuel Line when gascock is ON,,,
That leaves a Stuck Float Needle or a blockage in the carb as just about the only possibilities.
The Other good fellows have already covered most all the possibilities.
One VERY odd,,off-chance thing is this...
While you had fuel tank off the bike,,,theres a Slight Chance it accumulated some condensation.
Any sloshing while Re-Installing tank would have rinsed that down in tank to settle at bottom.
Which would have give carb a small sip of water when You 1st open the Fuel tank.
Water is much heavier than Petrol,,,and it SHOULD settle into bowl of carb,,,,where draining the Carb bowl would eliminate it.
However,,,if by Some chance it DID have that water,
and it Did suck any into one of the jets,,,
Simply draining the Carb wont eliminate the water inhaled INTO the Carb's Air/Fuel circuitry,jets,etc.
The chain of events Required to cause all that,,is next to Impossible.
But it IS Possible.
If Carb can be verified to be getting adequate fuel,,,
But "ENGINE" is getting none,,,,then the Fuel is blocked somewhere WITHIN the Carb's circuits.
Carefully remove the jets and blow them out with Air,WD-40,Carb Cleaner Spray or whatever.
Tighten them upon re-installation Carefully,,Only SNUGLY,,,not actually "Tight"
Occasionally a Carb's Float will simply get physically Jammed,,,stuck in closed position.
Occasionaly water or debris from Fuel Line Wont go Through the Float Needle Valve,,,but accumulate on top of valve inlet.
Simply remove fuel needle valve Seat that's screwed into Carb Body and have a look.
I'm not certain of exactly how You introduced fuel to get engine to start,,,,,,But That's a Good Sign & reassurance Your Motor Work is Good & all in order.
If You added the Fuel thru Air Intake,,,,,that indicates actual Carb Blockage internally.
If you somehow added fuel thru the Fuel Inlet Pipe on the Carb,,,,that suggests there's No Delivery from Tank/Gas Hose.
In that case ,,Crossed Hoses ,,Vent vs Fuel,,,would be the obvious suspect.
If you need to dismantle carb,,,the Manual has a parts blow-up
Diagram,,,and some rather feeble instructions.
But it's probaly plenty enough to get you through
But I'm sure there's nothing Serious wrong with Your Bike
Hope any of that helps,,,Good Luck.