"Helmet laws save lives."
This is a true statement. Helmet laws lower the number of motorcyclists and thus lower the motorcycle death rate.
Motorcycle helmet laws are pushed by the automobile insurance companies since in a motorcycle-automobile accident it is generally the automobile driver's fault and it is the automobile insurance company that is paying for any damages/injuries. By reducing the number of motorcyclists, the automobile insurance companies save money.
"Helmets save lives."
This is not a true statement. *IF* helmets saved lives then the death rate per motorcycle accident would be lower in those States that mandate the wearing of a motorcycle helmet. The truth is that States with mandatory helmet laws have an insignificantly higher death rate per motorcycle accident.
"While i normally hate the government telling us all what to do, the big deal here is that when somebody is hurt/killed on a bike without wearing safety gear, we all end up paying for it."
It does NOT matter whether or not people wear helmets/safety gear. The accident rate and death rates are very similar -- with the Helmet Optional States actually having the advantage. Safety gear allows people to take greater risks and the use of safety gear is actually associated with an increase in accidents and injuries.
If you want to save public money, ban motorcycles altogether, along with any vehicle capable of exceeding 45 mph.