your 16 and to you another year is 1/16th of your life and that is still quite small.
BUT you have 74/90ths of you life to live.... you are risking reducing that considerably.
in 5 years time when you have the degree and the business accumen. you will NOT get that choice job that pays the biscuit as the guy who gets it will not have a criminal conviction. and will be able to be insured to drive the company cars!!!!! THAT IS THE IMPACT you are risking..
Your bike and therefore you will not be insured
sound harsh.....
In the UK last year 2008 there were 960 odd MOTORCYCLE FATALITIES. MOST of these were qualified riders. WHAT MAKES YOU BETTER THAN THEM.
You risk increasing my insurance premiums you risk killing me if we are on the same bit of road and you risk causing the gov'nt banning motorcycles altogether. Other than your BMX bike which you have jumped off of the kerb into the path of other cars to the sound of the horn or expletives.. you have no road experience..!
Be a man at 16 and ride a moped or wait until you are 17 and then get a 125.
I've been teaching kids to ride mopeds for over 30 years and they all want to squeeze that last ounce of speed out of their bike
To be honest if you want a fast moped buy a kreidler from the 1970's or an FS1E yamaha again from the 1970's not a scooter or a aprilia or a reiju or a drakon as these modern machines will be a money pit needing to be rebuilt every 4000-6000 miles.
Even Aprilia admit the psitons and bores are not meant to last more than that!!