What is the one thing a PASSENGER on a motorcycle should never do?
2006-03-24 11:22:37 UTC
I ride with my boyfriend all the time and I'm afraid I do things that bother him on the bike, but he wont tell me.
If you have driven a motorcycle with a passenger - what are some of the things that aggrivate you?
Fourteen answers:
2006-03-24 11:24:45 UTC
Don't lean the opposite way when making turns or going around curves. Throws off the balance.

Also, don't try to put your feet down when the bike stops. Let him settle down before you do -- again, throws off the balance.
contemplating together
2006-03-24 19:58:20 UTC
You should never stay a passenger for long. You should enjoy riding enough to eventually get your own bike. Let him help you take a rider training course and then pick out the best bike to buy (don't let his opinions or preferences dictate what you get - you should feel comfortable with the bike).

He may like having you on the back as his "b**ch" but he would like even more for you to be his equal, ride along side him, suggest new rides, show him how it's done. A woman on the back of a bike is not that sexy, a woman on her own bike (that is appropriate for her) is very sexy, especially with form fitting leathers and letting her hair stream out of her helmet...

Last thing, if you do all this the other thing you should never do is leave him (unless he's a creep). There's nothing more enjoyable for a motorcycle guy than to know that he has a loving, caring, riding woman (at least for straight guys) as a companion.
2006-03-24 21:23:05 UTC
You have to relax first. go with the flow of the bike and the things that your boyfriend is doing at any givin time. It also depends on the type of bike you are on. If you are on a harley or simaler type you want to stay upright at almost all times. What I mean by this is when going onto a turn weather right or left, your body (from the waist up)should still be perpendicular to the road. This is what I have found to be the best for me. It seamed to help me keep more control of the bike while negoating turns. As for other stuff. If your boyfriend or any other person you are riding with dislikes what you are doing they need to tell you. Communication is key, when riding because if you are doing something the driver dislikes you are distracting him. And that can have devistaing results. Remember you need to know what he or she does and does not like so you and the driver can enjoy the ride. Now for croch rocket type bikes the above for taking turns is completly different you need to roll with the bike and the driver all you need to do is follow his body movement. Since the riding style naturally has you leaning against the back of driver, and your arms will want to wrap around him. You will be able to follow his movements and adjust accordingly. Now you must realize you don't want to be putting allot of your weight on his back because his arms are supporting his own weight and still have to control the bike. I personally didn't like having someone wrap there arms around my waist while riding my Harley, but I didn't mind it while riding my GSXr. As I said communication is the key you absolutly have to know his likes and dislikes. If he does not want to tell you, you need to emphasize your conserns with him. On a personal note I have been riding for more than 20 years. Everything from dirt bikes to race bikes, to street bikes. To say that an accident can happen at any time is an under statement. I was riding a little over 2 years ago, on my way to work on a back country road and a road crew had just got done filling in a burm with some stone. I was traveling at about 45 mph on a 40 mph road, I was entering a turn and got into the gravel on the road. My bike started pushing thru the turn and befor I could change my speed, stance on the bike, or even slow down enough to negotiate the turn I went down. I now have titanium rods in both of my fumurs (the thigh bone, the largest and strongest bones in the human body). And that was at only 40 mph or less. Now I'm not telling you this to scare you from riding, I'm telling you so that you realize the consequences. I still enjoy riding and can say its some of my favorite things to do, so go out enjoy riding and life but make sure you know what the drive of the bike expects from you, if they won't tell you, don't ride with them. Only bad things will come from this.
2006-03-28 07:08:24 UTC
Only thing that Pisses me off is if you use my passenger pegs or floorboard as a step geting on or off..Throws the balance of the bike off and if I don't know your doing it we both could be laying under the monster, so keep one foot planted on the ground and swing that fine leg across the seat ( people are watching)...other then that I can adjust for anything else you do!
Felicia Fox
2006-03-25 01:32:50 UTC
A passenger should never wear shorts...14 years ago, my leg got burned on the tailpipe climbing off a friend's motorcycle after he gave me a ride home. Ouch!
2006-03-25 03:45:11 UTC
Screaming is bad. You can cure this by telling your pillion passenger: "Scream if you want to go faster". But if you do go faster every time theye scream, it may lead to your passenger vomiting. That is the worst thing a pillion can do. It makes your leathers really stink on a hot day, and makes dogs follow you around.
2006-03-24 21:37:35 UTC
Don't shift your butt around on the seat too much. Get settled **before** he takes off! Wait until you get to a stoplight or stopped traffic if you have to wiggle around... I know that seat's tiny, but wait until you're not moving.

Keep your feet on the pegs and don't distract him.

If you're on a sportbike, you're going to be leaned over against his back (not so much on a cruiser or standard). He's already supporting his entire weight against his wrists, so remember to support your own weight, but snuggle tight (this is the best part of having a girl on the back!). This lets him know you're back there and are okay, and he'll be able to tell if you're tensed up over something or are relaxed; it's also sexy as hell! There's nothing like having a woman pressed against your back like that! Trust me, he LOVES taking you on that bike.

When he stops, your weight is going to shift forward onto his back, though. Let it happen - he's actually expecting it and will be braced for it. When my wife started riding with me (before she was my wife), she used to let go of me completely whenever we stopped, and shoot her hands forward to try to brace herself with her hands against the tank! That completely screwed up my sense of the bike's balance, because suddenly her weight shifted and I had lost my "feel" of her back there. Umm... don't do that.

Lean the way he leans (which, if he's doing it properly, isn't really leaning at all - it's the bike that's at an angle, and you have to "lean" away from **it** to stay sitting straight up).

Stay relaxed, and ask him to tell you if he needs you to do anything different.

Enjoy yourselves!!!
2006-03-24 19:23:47 UTC
Try not to move around to much. Hold on to him though if youd like. Just relax and have fun though i'm sure if you did something that bothered him he'd tell you
2006-03-24 20:42:27 UTC
Team Jester has good advice. I agree.
2006-03-24 19:25:14 UTC
Try to get off while it's moving.

Tickle the driver.
2006-03-24 19:24:06 UTC
Keep your mouth shut, PLZ
2006-03-24 19:26:49 UTC
don't talk too much, dont move around or squeeze him much, and don't let go! lol
2006-03-24 19:38:24 UTC
should not leave his hand while driving, he should concertrate on his driving
2006-03-24 19:54:58 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.