when starting any motorcycle from cold( first time during the day) you may need to use the choke. Once the bike is running on choke the ening will warm up, as it warms up you easy the choke off a knotch at a time- until no choke is on. If you remove the choke too early the bike will try and stall, but with practice you can prevent this bike holding the revs open.
Myself i only use the choke to start the bike and i ride it with the choke on the first knotch( which only holds the revs up a little about 1500rpm.) then after ive got a mile down the road i turn the choke off.
The rest of the day the bike shouldnt need the choke to start, unless its not been ridden very long, very cold day or carburation/ignition issues.
As for your battery going flat.
this could be caused simply by you continunily trying to start a cold engine with no choke.
Or it could be : faulty regulator/rectifier, bad wiring/rotton connectors or faulty alternator.
The battery should read about 12.50 volts dc. but when the engine is running the regulator rectifier should be giving out above 13volts. If when the engine is running and the lights are on you only have 12volts or less then there is a problem with the charging system.