Hey sam,
What this means is that we want each carb to give the same amount of gas ti it's cyclinder as the other carbs do. If we don't, the bike is unstable in power and vibration. Imagine 1 carb running at full speed but the others at half speed. Not good.
The way the carbs are balanced are;
1: all carbs have to be same make and condition, If one is dirty it won't
tune the same.
2: The master carb is setup and used to drive via linkage, the other
3: They hook a vacumn gauge to every carb, as the carb pulls gas and
air it creates vacumn. By adjusting all of these exactly the same
you make the carbs put out the same amount of gas to each
cyclinder. Work load is equal.
its a little more then that, but I hope it explains why and how.