Depends on the condition they were kept. The worse thing is if fuel was left in them and the fuel turns to varnish. The second is their age, gaskets and seals do rot over time.
The best argument over FI is how simple Carbs are and how much FI cost when problems do arise.
It all starts in the tank, fresh clean fuel and far less issues. As a general rule, Regular Unleaded has a shelf life of 30 days, Mid Grade 60 days, Premium 90 days plus. FI fuel systems are better vented then carbed and can extend the average life of a grade of fuel. Introduce bad fuel and then you have issues that make a carb setup far easier to fix when it comes to doing it yourself and part cost.
If it's not broke don't fix it is the best advice there is when it comes to a fuel system, any fuel system.
Some people might say, "just run some cleaner (any type they prefer) through it"
I say, "if it isn't right then it's broke". It means there is tainted fuel or the residue of tainted fuel in the system and no cleaner poured into the tank is a complete cure or complete fix. Point is this, it's either working correctly or it's not and if it's not? Walk away unless total consideration is granted over that issue and is suitable to you?
FI is costly for repair issues but a lazy mans dream. If people are cleaning carbs frequently then they have past unresolved issues and/or are using bad gas or old gas far too much. Quality brands of gas have cleaning agents and are good enough alone to never require additives. If you need or require them then something is being missed, neglected, or is not understood.
With fuels today alcohol is an issue because it is like a magnet that attracts water, even from high humidity. There is only one true way to purge excess H2O from a fuel system, it has to be flushed with straight gasoline. Adding alcohol additives is a mask and ultimately an addiction to solve a current issue that does not eliminate the whole entire issue. So in this sense a sealed fuel system like an FI one has is better protection as well.
Tweakers and practicality types prefer carbs.
Lazy guys like FI, sometimes money isn't a factor and sometimes crossing your fingers is, so use good fuel for the least issues?